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Application You Should Know: Wordpress

Want to start off saying that Wordpress is useful only for people with one or more websites on one or more servers with php/mysql. Wordpress is a backend for blogging websites that seems to have more uses than I can imagine. Simply put, its a blogging application, written in php using a mysql database. However, Wordpress has many more uses than just that. Because of the easy customizability of the look of the site, I can strip names, dates, and titles from posts if I’d like. I could build a site with only one post in each category, such that it looks like a normal website, and simply use Wordpress as a way to edit and keep the files online updated. Not only does Wordpress save you the trouble of html editting or some such nonsense all of the time, but it means I can build a website for someone else with Wordpress, get the look all set, and then all they have to do is use wordpress (not really needing to know any html) to add to the website or change the existing content. This site works off of Wordpress, not only because its easier to keep up to date this way, but because now, if I want to change the look of my website or so on, all of the posts are ’safe’ in my database. Of course, Wordpress is more open-source software, and definitely worth a look.