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Look who's working overtime!

The latest internet security report by Symantec Corp. is out and guess what it claims? The report, covering the period from January to June informs that phishing attacks have increased from 2.99 million messages a day to 5.7 million. Of the 50 malicious code samples taken in the period, 74 percent represent cases exposed a persons confidential information. This is a startling rise from 54 percent mentioned in the last report. Equally startling is the mention of spam. It accounts for 61 percent of all email traffic. Bot networks, or zombie armies as they known otherwise, have shown a 140 percent increase in the first half of 2005. You better be afraid. 'Coz them spammers and phishers and hoopla-hooping junkies are trying out and working hard on creating new and innovative methods to not just act funny but also make you suffer financial loss. The report suggests that malicious code written today is to ensure that there is financial gain for the attacker rather than just having a laugh at your expense.